This is the birthing story of "Daisy" my 12 year old daughters dog:puppies born 4-29 10
She had 10 puppies in all and they are absolutely gorgeous! There are 5 blue merle girls, 2 red merle girls, 1 blue merle boy, 1 black tri girl and 1 red tri girl!! Yes, that's 9 girls and 1 boy!! The funny story about that is my daughter so wanted to name the puppies flower names like their mommy and had mentioned how neat it would be if they were all girls! I told her that would be nice but I was sure that wouldn't happen! What do I know?! Anyway, here goes all of our darling little flowers: "DJ" (Daisy Jr), "Petunia", "Rose", "Pansy", "Iris", "Petals", "Lily", "Bluebell","Marigold" and our boy is "Bud" (as in flower bud!)
Both of Harmony's puppies went to their first show on January 10th and 11th, 2015. They were such good puppies! We couldn't have asked for better behavior both in the ring and on the sidelines. The Black Tri boy "Harlo" Was Best Of Breed Puppy under judges Frank Polimeni and Laurie Atkinson and Best Of Opposite Sex Puppy under Judge Andrea Bair. The Red Tri girl "Ruby" was second twice and Best Of Opposite Sex Puppy under AKC Judge Frank Polimeni. The best part of that was we got to take a Win Picture with both puppies and their ribbons:)
Our darling Valentine's Day/ Love themed litter! Our adorable names are : Romeo and Juliet, Beau and Arrow, Charm, Crush, Candy and Flame! We hope you are blessed by their sweet faces!
This is the birthing story of our puppies born on August 27, 2010: I promised that I would share the birthing story so sit down, strap in and hang on! The girls were unintentionally bred on the same day but The ultrasound tech thought that Diva would deliver a couple of days before Honey. The girls had spent about a week with us in the house and enjoyed lounging around in the cool of the air conditioning. Thursday(August 26,2010) about noon, Honeycomb began the beginning stages of labor! Within a couple of hours, Diva started having the exact same symptoms as Honey! Slowly the whole family shuffled off to bed, but I decided I couldn't sleep with my two girls so miserable so I rested in the room with them, and helped the girls feel as if they weren't alone. I took them out front often to go potty and by about 1:30 am I was so exhausted that I dosed off. Honeycomb is so well potty trained that I heard her whining and as I opened my eyes, I was startled at the fact that she was about an inch away from my face, it was about 2:50 am. She looked right at me as if to say that she needed to go to the bathroom BAD! So I took both girls out again and Honey pushed and walked and pushed and walked for about 10 minutes and finally she pushed one last time and out came her first baby! There I was, with two girls in labor and a lifeless puppy on the lawn and no towel or help! I quickly grabbed the puppy and began cleaning her up and she took her first breath! Yippy! I made my way back into the house and woke my husband, mom and daughter. Honeycomb began having her puppies very regularly all the while, Diva was still in labor but thankfully she wasn't to the point of having her puppies. Honey had her last puppy at 8:30 am and I was going to let my family babysit the new mommy and babies while I tried to sleep until Diva began having her babies. Well that was a great idea but within a half hour, Diva had her first puppy! Let me tell you, she wasn't messing around. She had 4 puppies in one hour! Then she rested. I figured she deserved a rest and we waited and waited and waited. Finally it had been long enough to begin to worry. I called the vet and they wanted to x ray her to make sure everything was ok. The whole time at the vet and on the way there, Diva pushed but no puppy! After the vet read the x ray, she said they needed to do a c-section to get the last 2 to 3 puppies out. Of course I said ok but I quietly prayed for the Lord's will to be done. During the prep for the c-section, Diva never wavered in her pushing. Finally just before they put her under, Out came puppy number 5! We ended up bringing her back to her puppies and while they all nursed there in the vets office, she had 2 more beautiful babies! It was 2:30 pm when I arrived back home with a very tired mommy and 7 beautiful babies!
We placed our beautiful Harmony into an incredibly loving home in June 2016 with close family friends of ours. We felt the Lord asking us to share our amazing girl with Randy and Diane after they purchased a puppy from us that was too difficult with Randy having health issues. We miss her terribly but are so thankful for regular updates and pictures:) AKC/ASCA/ Int.Champion Blessedhope Music To My Ears (Int. Ch. Blessedhope Burnin' For You x AKC, ASCA, Int. Ch. Blessedhope Porsche Smiles) "Harmony" is a wonderful little girl that is absolutely gorgeous and so easy to have around! She is quiet natured but loves to play ball, go for a run, horse back ride, do therapy work or just snuggle on the couch! We have been showing Harmony since she was a puppy and she has always done quite well. At the International show she was Best Of Breed 3 out of 4 shows and our other girl "Faith" (Now retired) was Best Of Breed for the other show :) "Harmony" is clear for both MDR1 N/N through parentage and HSF4 N/N through parentage. Her hips are cleared through OFA as good and her eyes are cleared yearly. She weighs 39 pounds, 19 inches tall and has a naturally soft straight coat. Harmony was was shown by Moira Cornell at the 2013 Australian Shepherd Nationals in Greeley Colorado. There were three Pre Shows and the National Finals and Harmony was 1st in two out of the three pre shows and fourth overall in the Open Blue category! We are so proud of our little blue girl!! Harmony is now an ASCA champion!!! I showed her to Sr. Breeder judge Kerry Kirtley for her last points:) She also finished her AKC championship in August 2015 handled exclusively by Moira Cornell!!
We had the privilege of attending our first "Dog Days Of Summer" in La Habra Heights today!!! What a blast! Our dogs were absolutely perfect and it was wonderful to be around hundreds of nice people and well behaved dogs! This is an annual event (7th annual) and we plan on going every year!!(The sweet photographer and all the photo booth helpers commented on how well behaved our dogs were and that it was easier than most attempts to just get one dog to look into the camera and all of ours looked right at them!! 7-18-12
(From left to right: Abby, Hope, Porsche, Burnie, Susi, and Harmony!)
Copyright © 2018 Blessedhope Australian Shepherds - All Rights Reserved.
"Blessed" : the object of God's desire "Hope" the expectation of future good
We are Blessedhope Aussies!
Jeremiah 29:11 "for I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace not of evil, to give you a future and a hope"
In loving memory of amazing "Hannah Rowley"
read her story at (in the tributes under R) and
For those of you who are interested, we also own a great little candy store where my "sweet" husband hand makes over 200 different candies! Check it out at and on Facebook or Instagram at Logan's Candy!